
With this walk cycle I experimented with colour. I then filmed the reverse of the paper as the ink had bled through to give a blurred, un-outlined effect.
For this ball sequence I introduced colour as I wanted to create a higher level of contrast between the background and subject to give a cleaner and more bold look. With this short sequence I wanted to  explore the movement of a ball bouncing on the spot. I think the squash of the ball and the timing is successful however there are areas where the spacing is not completely accurate. 
 Hand drawn animation of a bouncing bomb. I chose the subject of a bomb as I wanted to experiment with weight and see If i could create the perception of a heavy bounce. Within this sequence I specifically like the way the rope of the bomb moves with the bounce in a realistic way.
This hand drawn animation was created using graphic markers.I chose the subject of a Chameleon as they are naturally still creatures, this was important as I intended to focus on the tongue as I was practicing the technique of a smear animation. This was created by drawing multiple frames upon the same frame to give the illusion of speed. I hope to create more small animations alike this that focus on particular techniques so I can improve my skills.